
Title: Face Forward: Detecting Mind Wandering from Video During Narrative Film Comprehension
Source: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61425-0_30
Author(s): Angela Stewart, Nigel Bosch, Huili Chen, Patrick Donnelly, and Sidney D’Mello
Online Reference:

Attention is key to effective learning, but mind wandering, a phenomenon in which attention shifts from task-related processing to task-unrelated thoughts, is pervasive across learning tasks. Therefore, intelligent learning environments should benefit from mechanisms to detect and respond to attentional lapses, such as mind wandering. As a step in this direction, we report the development and validation of the first student-independent facial feature-based mind wandering detector. We collected training data in a lab study where participants self-reported when they caught themselves mind wandering over the course of completing a 32.5 min narrative film comprehension task. We used computer vision techniques to extract facial features and bodily movements from videos. Using supervised learning methods, we were able to detect a mind wandering with an F1 score of .390, which reflected a 31% improvement over a chance model. We discuss how our mind wandering detector can be used to adapt the learning experience, particularly for online learning contexts.

Relevant Principles (APA): 原理4 学习是基于环境的,所以将已学的知识技能迁移到新 的环境并不是自发的,而是需要培养的
原理6 清晰的、及时的以及解释性的反馈对学生的学习很重 要
原理7 学生的自我管理能力可以促进学习,并且这种能力是 可以培养的
Notes (Theories):


Notes (Technologies):


我们一共提取了78个特征(75个面部特征+ 3个身体运动特征)。我们使用Winsorization(一种常见的离群值处理技术[18])处理离群值,该方法将离群值定义为离均值大于三个标准差的值。


在前期实验的基础上,我们使用WEKA toolkit选择了9个分类器进行更多的测试(Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, Simple Logistic Regression, LogitBoost, Random Forest, C4.5 trees, Random Gradient Descent, Classification via Regression, Bayes Net)

Notes (Applications):
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