
Title: “Thanks Alisha, Keep in Touch”: Gender Effects and Engagement with Virtual Learning Companions
Source: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61425-0_25
Author(s): Lydia G. Pezzullo, Joseph B. Wiggins, Megan H. Frankosky, Wookhee Min, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Bradford W. Mott, Eric N. Wiebe, and James C. Lester
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Virtual learning companions have shown significant poten- tial for supporting students. However, there appear to be gender differ- ences in their effectiveness. In order to support all students well, it is important to develop a deeper understanding of the role that student gender plays during interactions with learning companions. This paper reports on a study to explore the impact of student gender and learning companion design. In a three-condition study, we examine middle school students’ interactions in a game-based learning environment that fea- tured one of the following: (1) a learning companion deeply integrated into the narrative of the game; (2) a learning companion whose back- story and personality were not integrated into the narrative but who provided equivalent task support; and (3) no learning companion. The results show that girls were significantly more engaged than boys, par- ticularly with the narrative-integrated agent, while boys reported higher mental demand with that agent. Even when controlling for video game experience and prior knowledge, the gender effects held. These findings contribute to the growing understanding that learning companions must adapt to students’ gender in order to facilitate the most effective learning interactions.

Relevant Principles (APA): 原理14 人际交往与沟通在教学与学习的过程当中,以及在 学生的社会情绪发展当中起着关键的作用
原理20 对评价数据的理解是建立在清晰、适当和公正的解 释基础之上的
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Notes (Impacts): 在未来的虚拟学习中,应该考虑智能游戏伙伴的存在。在卷入程度和心理需求的变量上,女生的的分数比男生高,在学习效果上,性别不存在差异。
