
Title: Variations of Gaming Behaviors Across Populations of Students and Across Learning Environments
Source: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61425-0_23
Author(s): Luc Paquette, Ryan S. Baker
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Although gaming the system, a behavior in which students attempt to solve problems by exploiting help functionalities of digital learning envi- ronments, has been studied across multiple learning environments, little research has been done to study how (and whether) gaming manifests differently across populations of students and learning environments. In this paper, we study the differences in usage of 13 different patterns of actions associated with gaming the system by comparing their distribution across different populations of stu- dents using Cognitive Tutor Algebra and across students using one of three learning environments: Cognitive Tutor Algebra, Cognitive Tutor Middle School and ASSISTments. Results suggest that differences in gaming behavior are more strongly associated to the learning environments than to student populations and reveal different trends in how students use fast actions, similar answers and help request in different systems.

Relevant Principles (APA): 原理4 学习是基于环境的,所以将已学的知识技能迁移到新 的环境并不是自发的,而是需要培养的
原理9 当学生的内在动机强于外在动机的时候,他们往往更 加乐于学习并且学得更好
原理10 当学生抱着掌握知识的目的而非拿高分的目的时, 他们在具有挑战性的任务面前更能坚持,并且对信 息能够进行更深度的加工
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