
Title: Letting Artificial Intelligence in Education Out of the Box: Educational Cobots and Smart Classrooms
Author(s): Michael J Timms
Online Reference:

This paper proposes that the field of AIED is now mature enough to break away from being delivered mainly through computers and pads so that it can engage with students in new ways and help teachers to teach more effectively. Mostly, the intelligent systems that AIED has delivered so far have used computers and other devices that were essentially designed for businesses or personal use, and not specifically for education. The future holds the promise of creating technologies designed specifically for learning and teaching by combining the power of AIED with advances in the field of robotics and in the increasing use of sensor devices to monitor our surroundings and actions. The paper assumes that Bschools^ (i.e., a place where children will gather to learn) will still exist in some shape or form in 25 years and that teachers will continue to oversee and promote learning among the students. It proposes that there will be educational cobots assisting teachers in the classrooms of tomorrow and provides examples from current work in robotics. It also envisions smart classrooms that make use of sensors to support learning and illustrates how they might be used in new ways if AIED applications are embedded into them.

File: PDF 文档 timms2016.pdf
Relevant Principles (APA): 原理17 有效的课堂管理基于以下三点:(a)对学生提出 较高的期望并充分沟通(b)良好关系的持续培养 (c)对学生提供高水平的支持
Notes (Theories):
Notes (Technologies):

对未来技术工作的展望:1.设计出教育合作机器人(Educational Cobots),辅助教师教学;2.将传感器接入智能教室中,与Cobots连接,形成智能学习环境。

Notes (Applications):

机器人有可能捕捉并保持课堂上学习者的注意力,他们可以在与ILE(Intelligent Learning Environments)接触时监控学习者;标记并关注需要ILE 无法提供的额外帮助的学习者;保持学习者的积极性和兴趣;回答学习者可能会遇到的问题。

Notes (Impacts):

本文主要是对AIED未来发展前景的展望。作者认为,AIED的发展已经足够成熟,可以摆脱以计算机和平板电脑为主的教学模式,使其能够以新的方式与学生接触,帮助教师更有效地教学。到目前为止,AIED提供的智能系统大多使用计算机以及其他为企业或个人使用而设计的设备,而不是专门为教育而设计的。未来研究的主题可能包括创建提供社会互动的系统(计算机支持的协作学习的扩展已经存在);探索学习者、教师和支持技术之间接口的新模式,并调查物联网(Internet of Thing)在教育中的应用。