
Title: Can a Teachable Agent Influence How Students Respond to Competition in an Educational Game?
Source: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61425-0_29
Author(s): Björn Sjödén, Mats Lind, and Annika Silvervarg
Online Reference:

Learning in educational games is often associated with some form of competition. We investigated how students responded to winning or losing in an educational math game, with respect to playing with or without a Teachable Agent (TA). Students could choose between game modes in which the TA took a more passive or active role, or let the TA play a game entirely on its own. Based on the data logs from 3983 games played by 163 students (age 10–11), we analyzed data on students’ persistence, challenge-seeking and performance during gameplay. Results indicated that students showed greater persistence when playing together with the TA, by more often repeating a lost game with the TA, than a lost game after playing alone. Students’ challenge-seeking, by increasing the difficulty level, was greater following a win than following a loss, especially after the TA won on its own. Students’ gameplay performance was unaffected by their TA winning or losing but was, unexpectedly, slightly worse following a win by the student alone. We conclude that engaging a TA can make students respond more productively to both winning and losing, depending on the particular role the TA takes in the game. These results may inform more specific hypotheses as to the differential effects of competing and collaborating in novel, AI-supported social constellations, such as with TAs, on students’ motivation and ego-involvement in educational games.

Relevant Principles (APA): 原理14 人际交往与沟通在教学与学习的过程当中,以及在 学生的社会情绪发展当中起着关键的作用
Notes (Theories):
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Notes (Applications):

在Squares Family, a research-based educational math game developed by Pareto中使用teachable agent教学代理,为学生提供了一种学习的方式,在其中利用后台记录的数据评估学生的行为

Notes (Impacts):

游戏中有竞争的元素、游戏代理能够提供社会的维度,将2者结合可能会促进学习这可能是因为1社会角色的激励作用;2沉浸式的学习体验;3社会保护作用(要为助教付出努力)。本文基于Squares Family游戏,加入了teachable agent这样的教学助理,然后创造出四种模式(1学生自己玩;2学生和助教一起玩;3助教指导学生玩;4助教自己玩),每种模式下有5种难度,然后评估学生的行为(1失败了是否会再尝试;2胜利了是否会提升难度;3有无助教时的表现)。本研究是社会探索的第一步,尝试了竞争、合作、混合,以及学生在课堂上、有智能助理下的学习状况。