Partial List of Speakers

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Tingshao Zhu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Homepage URL.
Talk Title: 基于人工智能的文学人物人格分析
Download Talk: PDF 文档 ZhuTS.pdf
时代的发展催生了大量的文学作品,它们以不同的形式展现了时代变迁,体现了传统文化的传承,同时也成为作者直抒胸怀的渠道。文艺作品中的人物心理过程与人格形象塑造是文学创作、评价的核心,由于其主观性和复杂性,以往研究大多以文学评论或哲学思辨为主。由于文学人物是虚拟的或理想化的,无法采用传统心理学中自我报告的方法对其进行直接测量,因此主要依赖质性分析或精神分析的手段来作出主观推断。随着人工智能技术的发展,通过对文学作品人物的生态化识别对文艺作品的人物心理与人格特点进行量化分析已成为可能。 本系列研究采用基于人工智能的生态化识别方法,通过对小说人物对话的分析,实现对小说人物人格的自动化识别,并在此基础上研究文学作品反映出的时代特色、作家风格及倾向的分析,并开展传统文化中人性的心理学解析,实现文学人物心理的现实化映射,为文学人物个性研究开辟新的道路。
Liqi Zhu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Homepage URL.
Talk Title: 电子媒体使用对幼儿执行功能的影响
Download Talk: PowerPoint 演示文档 ZhuLQ.ppt
Zhiqiang Cai, The University of Memphis, .
Talk Title: CohMetrix Workshop
Download Talk: Powerpoint 展示 Workshop.pptx
The workshop will focus on the utility of Coh-Metrix in discourse theory and educational practice. We will begin with an introduction to the Coh-Metrix and Test Easability Assessor (TEA) tools, including a detailed description of the indices in the context of multilevel theoretical frameworks of discourse comprehension and learning. A review of published studies will help illustrate the relationship between discourse and learning. We will then walk participants through a series of practical exercises that will give hands-on experience with cleaning, preparing, and analyzing texts using Coh-Metrix, conducting statistical analyses with Coh-Metrix data, and data interpretation.
Sanya (三牙) Liu (刘), 华中师范大学(Central China Normal University), .
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To be added

Zhongling Wen, South China Normal University, Homepage URL.
Talk Title: 心理测量模型与潜变量分析工作坊
Download Talk: PDF 文档 14温忠麟FA SEM_ 2017.pdf


Jiayuan (嘉元) Yu (余), 南京师范大学心理学院, .
Talk Title:
Download Talk: PowerPoint 演示文档 YuJY.ppt

To be updated

Lishan (立山) Zhang (张), Beijing Normal University, .
Talk Title: 围绕LMS的教育教学研究
Download Talk: Powerpoint 展示 围绕LMS的教育教学研究 (2).pptx
为建设北京市智能教育公共服务平台,北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心开发了智慧学伴,一个新型的教学管理系统(Learning Management System,LMS)。依托于各个学科专家团队所建立的知识图谱,智慧学伴整合了各类不同的学习和测试资源,包括:微课、作业练习、期中期末考试等。该系统根据学生的使用和表现情况,对学生在知识图谱上各个知识点的掌握程度做出评价,以相应的数据可视化形式呈现给学生、教师和教育管理者。知识图谱还作为学习资源推荐引擎的核心,为学生打造个性化的学习环境。以智慧学伴为基础,中心还建立了线上个性化一对一教学辅导,进行了问题解决能力测评、学生表现预测、简答题自动批阅等研究。
Zheng (镇) Xue (薛), Yixue Squirrel AI, Homepage URL.
Talk Title: Adaptive learning system and its promise on improving student learning
Download Talk: PDF 文档 Adaptive learning system and its promise on improving student learning.pdf
As AlphaGo defeated the world's best Go player in 2016, AI is brought into the classroom to individualize learning in the form of adaptive learning. It analyzes the students and note their weaknesses and strengths, then changes the course around so that students can polish up areas which they may be struggling with. Adaptive learning systems stand apart from traditional learning systems by offering a personalized learning experience to students according to their different knowledge states. Adaptive systems constantly collect and analyze students’ learning and behavior data, update learner profiles, then accordingly provide timely individualized feedback to each student. Such interactions between the learning system and students can improve the engagement of students and the efficiency of learning. As described in our published papers, we evaluates the effectiveness of Yixue Squirrel AI on subjects such as English and math learning in middle school. Results suggest that students achieved better performance using Yixue adaptive learning system than both traditional classroom instruction by expert teachers and another adaptive learning platform.