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Tingshao Zhu
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Talk: 基于人工智能的文学人物人格分析
Tingshao Zhu is the scholar of the "Hundred Talents Program" of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received a Ph.D. from the Institute of Computing Technology of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 and the University of Alberta in Canada in 2005. Dr. Zhu’s research interests include machine learning and network behavior psychology. , He was the first person using a data mining technique to explore rules underneath the Chinese rhythm, the Chinese words and sentences. The machine learning method he proposed has been widely used to train the user's browsing behavior model. He has studied various internet user features including user personality, mental health, attitude towards society and provided intervention based on the prediction of user behavior. He has led major grants such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology 973 and 863, the National Social Science Fund, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Class A Pilot Project, and published more than 60 papers.
Talk Abstract
时代的发展催生了大量的文学作品,它们以不同的形式展现了时代变迁,体现了传统文化的传承,同时也成为作者直抒胸怀的渠道。文艺作品中的人物心理过程与人格形象塑造是文学创作、评价的核心,由于其主观性和复杂性,以往研究大多以文学评论或哲学思辨为主。由于文学人物是虚拟的或理想化的,无法采用传统心理学中自我报告的方法对其进行直接测量,因此主要依赖质性分析或精神分析的手段来作出主观推断。随着人工智能技术的发展,通过对文学作品人物的生态化识别对文艺作品的人物心理与人格特点进行量化分析已成为可能。 本系列研究采用基于人工智能的生态化识别方法,通过对小说人物对话的分析,实现对小说人物人格的自动化识别,并在此基础上研究文学作品反映出的时代特色、作家风格及倾向的分析,并开展传统文化中人性的心理学解析,实现文学人物心理的现实化映射,为文学人物个性研究开辟新的道路。
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