• Introduction

    The 6th CyberPsychology and Behavioral Seminar is hosted by the Chinese Psychological Society, Youth Psychology, and Behavior Lab of Education Ministry and the School of Psychology of Central China Normal University. The seminar aims at providing a platform for researchers from psychology, educational technology or information science backgrounds to share their ideas and resources and help improve related research and implication.
  • David Williamson Shaffer

    David Williamson Shaffer is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Educational Psychology and a Game Scientist at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. Before coming to the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Shaffer taught grades 4-12 in the United States and abroad, including two years working with the Asian Development Bank and US Peace Corps in Nepal. His M.S. and Ph.D. are from the Media Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and he taught in the Technology and Education Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dr. Shaffer was a 2008-2009 European Union Marie Curie Fellow. He studies how new technologies change the way people think and learn.
Vasile Rus胡祥恩 (Xiangen Hu)