• Introduction

    The 6th CyberPsychology and Behavioral Seminar is hosted by the Chinese Psychological Society, Youth Psychology, and Behavior Lab of Education Ministry and the School of Psychology of Central China Normal University. The seminar aims at providing a platform for researchers from psychology, educational technology or information science backgrounds to share their ideas and resources and help improve related research and implication.
  • 朱莉琪 (Liqi Zhu)

    Liqi Zhu is a professor at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Behavioral Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the deputy director of the Academic Degrees Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the director of the Chinese Psychological Association. Dr. Zhu’s main research interests are cognitive development and social behavior development. She has been leading or has participated in a number of National Natural Science Foundation projects, 973 projects, key deployment projects of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and international cooperation projects. She has published in the top journals such as "Child Development", "Cognition" and, "Psychological Science", etc. She is currently the China Regional Coordinator of the International Association for Behavioral Development (ISSBD), the deputy editor of Child Development, the deputy editor of the International Journal of Psychology and the editor of the Journal of Psychology, Psychological Science and Progress in Psychological Science.
James Hou-fu Liu雷雳 (Li Lei)