• About

    2021 ALTTAI ANNUAL CONSORTIUM MEETING is an annual international consortium meeting for the dissemination and exchange of educational research on theoretical, generic, and applied areas of education, psychology, computer science/engineering, cognitive science, and their interdiscipline. ALTTAI is the abbreviation of Advanced Learning, Theories, Technologies, Applications, and Impacts Consortium. The annual international consortium meeting can be the upgraded version of our regular weekly seminar. 

    The overarching goal of the 2021 ALTTAI ANNUAL CONSORTIUM MEETING research community is to provide a collaborative platform for relevant faculty members, graduate students, and industry partners. This meeting will be accomplished through the following three modes of communication: keynote presentation, regular presentation, and ignite presentation. 
    The related topics include, but are not limited to, 
    • Online and distance learning, Education psychology, 
    • Education technology, 
    • Intelligent and Interactive Technologies in an Educational Context, 
    • Collaborative Learning in Online Environments, 
    • Models of Teaching and Learning, 
    • Evaluation on learning and teaching, 
    • Simulation on learning and teaching, 
    • Inequity and inequality in education.

    This meeting will be organized and run as a two-day virtual conference on 30-31 July 2021 (To 1 August, 2021 for BJT). Please mark your calendars and join our 2021 ALTTAI ANNUAL CONSORTIUM MEETING.

  • Important Date

    Types of Submission


    Notification of Review Outcome

    Deadline for Presentation Files

    Submission By

    Regular Presentation

    800-1500 words

     July 20, 2021

    (submission closed)

    1 week after submission

    20-minute PPT

    July 23, 2021


    Or Google Drive

    Ignite Presentation

    800-1500 words

    July 20, 2021

    (submission closed)

    1 week after submission

    5-minute PPT

    (Please follow the ignite template)

    July 23, 2021


    Or Google Drive



    1. Please clarify if it is an regular presentation or keynote presentation in your one-page abstract. Abstract submissions should be formatted according to the attached templates. The full version of PowerPoint slides for the presentation should follow the template strictly and be submitted separately. 

    2. All abstracts and presentation files should be submitted by the email alttai.seminar@gmail.com or Google Grive(https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1OAOKyYg7xnGiM1jjrKsjOqZfRb1iKEXs). 

    3. All the information will be informed after the submission of the abstracts. 

    Call for PaticipationOrganization