• Introduction

    The 7th CyberPsychology and Behavioral Seminar is hosted by the Chinese Psychological Society, Youth Psychology, and Behavior Lab of Education Ministry and the School of Psychology of Central China Normal University. The seminar aims at providing a platform for researchers from psychology, educational technology or information science backgrounds to share their ideas and resources and help improve related research and implication. The focus of this year is "models and analysis of self-improving adaptive instructional systems.

    • Over ten experts will give keynote speeches on most advanced adaptive instructional systems (AIS)
    • One panel discussions about AIS * Lessons learned  * Stat of the Art, * Future outlook * Benefit and potential issues, * Ethics in AI in Education.
    • Two Workshops: 1) Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT), 2) Conversation-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

  • 崔炜(Wei Cui)

    崔炜博士是乂学教育-松鼠 AI 联合创始人、首席科学家,被《麻省理工科技评论》 中国区“35 岁以下科技创新 35 人”,上 海市人工智能高级职称认定正高级工程师,AI 学术会议 ACM-CIKM-19本地主席。前 Realizeit 核心算法科学家,人工智能、 智适应学习和大数据专家,人工智能博士和博士后,师从全球遗传算法顶级专家,发表了 27 篇 AI 和大数据相关的国际学术论文,获得过 IEEE-CIFER 最佳学术论文奖, 在全球顶级学术会议发表过 40 多次国际学术演讲。

    燕翔(Xiang Yan)Workshops