• Introduction

    The 7th CyberPsychology and Behavioral Seminar is hosted by the Chinese Psychological Society, Youth Psychology, and Behavior Lab of Education Ministry and the School of Psychology of Central China Normal University. The seminar aims at providing a platform for researchers from psychology, educational technology or information science backgrounds to share their ideas and resources and help improve related research and implication. The focus of this year is "models and analysis of self-improving adaptive instructional systems.

    • Over ten experts will give keynote speeches on most advanced adaptive instructional systems (AIS)
    • One panel discussions about AIS * Lessons learned  * Stat of the Art, * Future outlook * Benefit and potential issues, * Ethics in AI in Education.
    • Two Workshops: 1) Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT), 2) Conversation-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

  • 刘凯(Kai Liu)

    刘凯博士,华中师范大学心理学院博士后,孟菲斯大学 FIT 智能研究院访问学者,渤海大学教育科学学院讲师,心理健康教育研究生导师。 具有计算机、心理学、教育学、管理学、医学等多学科知识背景,拥有丰富的软件开发和社会实践经验,具有较强的科研能力和项目管理水平, 关注国际前沿问题并主动寻找本土解决方案,当前主要研究方向为:通用人工智能、机器教育、 计算精神病学。除常规科研工作外,还是教育大科学前沿论坛(2016、2017、2018、2019)及中国通用人工智能协会(筹) 的召集人和组织者(该会议每周举办,具有较大的影响力)。

    袁莉(Li Yuan)燕翔(Xiang Yan)